6 years ago we went to Key West. Before we left, Steve proposed to me. He later said that he wanted to propose while we were there, but he just couldn’t wait. To say the least, we loved it.
5 years ago we got married, and we decided to go back to Key West for our honeymoon. It easily became our favorite place in the world.
Over the past 5 years we’ve turned Steve’s entire family into Florida Keys lovers. My sister-in-law Tracey and her Husband Nick spent their honeymoon on Sunset Key just off Key West, and his parents bought a time share up in Key Largo where they go twice a year.
Every year they were trying to get us to come along but we felt horrible leaving our dog (he’s pretty high maintenance.) This year Tracey and Nick offered to watch him for us, Tracey even took a few days off from work so that Rexy wouldn’t be alone all day. So we spent some time in Key Largo, then in Key West, and then Back in Key Largo.
The keys are our favorite place in the world. The only thing that sucked was coming home to the north east during our coldest week of the year. 9 degrees kinda sucks when you’ve been in 75-80 degree weather all week.
List of places/things we recommend if you’re heading to the Keys
Robert is Here (the awesome-est fruit stand I’ve ever been to with the best milkshakes ever. It’s in the everglades before Key Largo. One of our couple’s, Rebecca and Jason actually recommended we stop there in an email a while back and we weren’t even looking for it, we just got lucky stumbled upon it… and Robert rang us up
Old Town Mexican Cafe – the quesedillas were awesome.
Onlywood Pizzeria Trattoria – Ironic as it seems, this was some of the best Italian food I’ve ever had, and yes that includes the east coast.
Better than Sex Desert Restaurant – a bunch of awesome home made deserts with naughty names, what more could you want?
We stayed at The Heron House Court. It was built over 100 years ago by Henry Flagler, which is awesome. We were only about a half mile from Duval St., and Roman, the host, is one of the nicest people you could ever meet.
Check out the Key West Butterfly and Nature Conservatory. The butterflies really liked Steve, probably because he’s so sweet
and you have to watch a sunset from Mallory Square, but that’s kinda obvious.
this is a strange mix of “real” photos and iPhone/VSCOcam photos…