I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about the impression we get to leave on the world, however small it is, it’s a meaningful one. the fact that what we do may impact generations of people long after we’re gone is inspiring to say the least. I can remember the events, both positive and negative that led us to becoming photographers. At the times when they happened, the negative ones left us feeling like it was the end of the world… and I guess it’s that way for everyone, but beautiful things come from negative all the time and it’s up to us to recognize and be grateful for them. I don’t think we would be photographers and have met so many incredible people if not for the detours. Doing something meaningful makes the negative worth it because every time we witness and capture a memorable moment, we feel like we were meant to be there at that exact point in time.
I’ve had plenty of positive and beautiful experiences. If I think back really far in the crazy chain of events that I’ve experienced in my own life, I remember a 7th grade classroom. I remember telling my friends Nicole and Jessica about my crush on Steve, the tall boy across the room with the bowl hair cut and mustache. He’s in the corner playing some game with his friends and he throws his head back and laughs hysterically. Somehow I knew I wanted to marry him some day. I still get that feeling when he laughs.
Sixteen years later, Steve and I are photographing Nicole’s wedding. Another Nicole from school is singing in the band… she’s an amazing singer by the way. We see Jess, who is a bridesmaid, for the first time in years and meet her fiance’ Jon (we’re photographing their day in a few months.) As we’re documenting part of Nicole’s love story, I’m tearing up as we hear the experiences that led her to Pete…
He’s from England, and when Nicole and Pete met in Australia, he was wearing an Australian flag draped over his shoulders. He later mailed it to her so she wouldn’t forget him. On their wedding day she surprised him by having it sewn into her dress.
Life an awesome series of experiences…
On a side note, Nicole, who is now an English teacher has probably been cringing at my rambling run on sentences, while crying at the same time
<3 Julianne
All wedding photography by Julianne and Steven Markow at The Park Savoy Estate. Entertainment provided by The Yazmatics.